Simple Canine Training Tips For Any Dog Lover

Dog training is crucial to ensuring that your canine friends are well-behaved both in and out of your home. This article is designed to get you started on training your dog properly.

You must be willing to invest the time required for practice if you want your training to be successful. It is not uncommon for it to take between 25 to 50 repetitions of the same command for your dog to learn it. Being patient while trying the same task or command will allow your dog to understand it.

Try a phrase that you will stick with to train your puppy when you are house breaking him or her. Whenever you take your pet outside to use the bathroom, choose a phrase, like “go potty”, so he remembers what he is there to do.

As your dog progresses, you won’t need to exert so much control. It is important that you reach a balance between freedom and obedience in order to establish a satisfying relationship. However, don’t allow your dog to have too much freedom because this could negatively impact your training.

Make sure to use the exact same tone with your dog every time you give him a command. Your tone conveys seriousness to the dog and the fact that they must obey you. Good consistent tones also let your dog know when tones are sharp for discipline or for a command that is not punishment.

Approach an unknown dog slowly and let him smell your outstretched hand. As you do this, you give the dog an opportunity to acclimate to your scent and become used to your presence. Once a dog recognizes your particular scent, he will be unafraid and willing to obey.

Primary Reinforcement

When you are training your doggy friend, use what is known as primary reinforcement. Primary reinforcement is a positive reinforcement training strategy that relies heavily on things your dog already enjoys. This includes treats and rubbing their belly. This way, the dog can learn how he can get things he wants.

It is very important to train your dog early enough to head off the development of bad behavior. Dogs find it much harder to break existing bad habits than to learn new, positive ones. To avoid begging at the table, avoid giving the dog food off the table to begin with.

Keep your eyes on other dogs as you walk your own. Some dogs may be aggressive regardless of how responsible the owner is. Refrain from walking near dogs that are aggressive.

You should be sure to respond positively when your dog does something good. Smile at your dog and provide it with treats to assist your dog in associated good behavior with positive rewards. Do not reward your dog after bad behavior, it will get confused.

Be aware of special grooming requirements your dog might need. A lot of dogs won’t need much grooming, while others may need frequent groomings. A groomed dog is happier, cleaner, and healthier.

When you have an untrained dog, you risk both your sanity and your belongings. If you apply these tips, you should be well prepared to train your dog efficiently.

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