Your Dog Needs To Be Taught Right From Wrong

If you want a trusting, obedient dog, it is important to begin training immediately. Puppy training can be a roller coaster, but information helps to stabilize the whole process. Learn the following tacticsd to make training your dog easier.

Make sure that there is a calm environment in the room where your dog is. During playtime allow your dog to be feisty, but teach him to remain calm when someone enters a room. Don’t acknowledge them when you enter so that you can ensure a controlled environment for how and when playtime starts.

You have to be consistent with the crate training of your new puppy. If you remove the pup from the crate, see to it that he has the means to go potty. The dog will eventually learn that there are proper times to go outside and use the restroom.

It is best to train your dog in a crate that is the right size. Puppies grow up quickly. Choose a crate that your puppy can grow in, but won’t grow out of. The crate should be big enough for the dog to turn and lie down comfortably without feeling cramped.

Avoid reinforcing negative behavior. Withhold treats and attention when your dog exhibits any undesirable behaviors. For instance, if your dog does not sit when commanded, do not rub his head affectionately unless he actually sits.

As your dog responds to his training, you can begin to allow him more freedom. Maintaining a proper balance between obeying your commands and having some freedom will lead to a happier dog. Don’t give your dog too much free reign though.

Make sure a reward is always handy for whenever the dog does what you want. The reward is a great way to teach your dog that he has performed a task that you wanted him to do. This is a good way to make your dog know the difference between a good and bad thing.

Early in your training, teach your new pup to “leave it.” This command tells him to drop the item and step away. “Leave it” can prevent furniture chewing, save valuable objects from being destroyed and save your dog from consuming dangerous and/or poisonous substances.

When training your dog, make it fun for the both of you. The dog will respond more positively to training if you create a better bond between you and them. Training may be a fun activity, but it’s also good to enjoy your time with your dog.

Avoid accidents when potty training your dog. Learn to read your dog and anticipate his needs. Pacing back and forth, snuffing and whining are some common signs. The moment your pet begins to do any of these things, don’t waste a single moment. Immediately take your dog outside to the official restroom spot. When he does go, praise him! He will soon learn how to ask for the bathroom.

Watch the tone you use when you discipline your dog. Dogs are more receptive to the tones their masters use than you might realize. Use a stern voice when you are correcting your dog.

When housebreaking your puppy, accidents will happen. Always clean up accidents right away to help with the training process and keeping the area sanitary. Smells from urine and feces can linger in a carpet and attract your pet to return to the same spot for elimination. There are many products on the market that can help with this, so check with your local pet shop.

Keep track of how many treats used to reward your dog every day for a healthy diet. Many people do not factor in treats when they are tabulating a pet’s diet, but they do add up, particularly while you are training.

It is vital for your pet to obey what you say. The above article has offered many tips to help with puppy training. You need to have time and patience in case it takes a while to train your dog. Repetition is really the key to successfully training your dog, you can not expect them to learn everything in one day.

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